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Rejuvenating the city - LOFTER GROUP


At the LOFTER studio, you can buy antique items such as old chairs, sign boards, sewing machines, typewriters, old mobile phones and even a genuine Cantonese-style veranda that was removed from one of the old buildings. Proceeds from the sale will go to charity.

Regenerating Urban Land: A Practitioner’s Guide to Leveraging Private Investment looks at regeneration programs from eight cities around the world – Ahmedabad, Buenos Aires, Johannesburg, Santiago, Singapore, Seoul, Shanghai, and Washington DC – documenting the journeys they have faced in tackling major challenges in this area.

How this Hong Kong developer is blending old and new to produce modern buildings

In the 18-square kilometer inner city of Johannesburg (South Africa), a series of targeted regeneration initiatives achieved a decline in property vacancy rates from 40 percent in 2003 to 17 percent in 2008, and a similar jump in property transactions. Since 2001, for every rand (R) 1 million (about USD 63,000) invested by the Johannesburg Development Authority, private investors have put R 18 million into the inner city of Johannesburg, creating property assets valued at R 600 million and infrastructure assets valued at R 3.1 billion.

Buenos Aires (Argentina) found itself on the verge of becoming unsustainable, when urban sprawl moved away from downtown leaving prime waterfront land, with significant architectural and industrial heritage, vacant and underused. To tackle this problem, the city used a self-financing urban regeneration initiative in Puerto Madero to redevelop the unused 170-hectare land parcel to an attractive mixed-use waterfront neighborhood. The total investment reached USD 1.7 billion, with USD 300 million invested by the city through the sale of land.

Seoul (Republic of Korea) experienced a major decrease in residential and commercial activity in its downtown, where small plots, narrow roads, and high land prices made development too costly. From 1975 to 1995, Seoul lost more than half its downtown population, while substandard housing for mostly squatters and renters was more than twice the city’s average. Seoul launched the Cheonggyecheon revitalization project to redevelop an 18-lane elevated highway into a revitalized stream with green public space totaling 16.3 hectares, dramatically increasing real estate values and the variety of uses for the downtown areas.

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بادئ ذي بدء ، خلال فترة طويلة من التلخيص ، أتقنت الصين طريقة التطور المطرد والسريع للتنمية المالية واعتمدت

بادئ ذي بدء ، خلال فترة طويلة من التلخيص ، أتقنت الصين طريقة التطور المطرد والسريع للتنمية المالية واعتمدت سياسات فعالة لتنظيم الاقتصاد الكلي ومراقبته. وفي مواجهة هذا النوع من التأثير، أدى اعتماد سياس

من أجل رعاية بيئة الطفل الموهوبة والشخصية الجيدة والمعرفة ، يجب مراعاة الجوانب التالية:

1.  البيئة الأسرية الجيدة: الأسرة هي البيئة الأولى التي ينمو فيها الأطفال ، ويمكن أن توفر البيئة الأسرية الجيدة دعما عاطفيا مستقرا وقيما جيدة ونماذج يحتذى بها. يجب على الآباء منح أطفالهم الحب والاهتما


香港,一座充满繁荣活力的国际都会,其地产业更是令世人瞩目。在这个充满激烈竞争的市场中,有一群坚韧不拔的企业家和领导者,塑造了香港地产业的风貌,他们的成功故事不仅是商业成就,更是城市发展的见证。以下将介绍几位在香港地产业享有盛名的人物。 李嘉诚 无论是在香港还是全球,提到地产业巨头,人们总是第一时间想到李嘉诚。他是长江实业集团的创办人,也被誉为「亚洲地产大亨」。李嘉诚以其卓越的商业眼光和勇于冒险的决

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