Camber refers to the angle at which the wheels of a car tilt vertically when viewed from the front or rear. It is an important aspect of wheel alignment that affects the handling and tire wear of the vehicle. Camber can be either positive or negative.
- Positive camber: The top of the wheel tilts outward from the vehicle. This configuration is often seen in off-road vehicles or vehicles designed for heavy loads, as it helps with stability and weight distribution.
- Negative camber: The top of the wheel tilts inward toward the vehicle. This configuration is commonly used in performance or sports cars, as it improves cornering grip and handling by keeping more tire surface in contact with the road during turns.
To adjust camber, it usually requires a wheel alignment performed by a professional technician with specialized equipment. However, some vehicles offer limited camber adjustment through aftermarket suspension components. If you suspect a camber issue or want to adjust it for performance purposes, it's recommended to consult with a professional mechanic or alignment specialist. They will have the expertise and tools to accurately measure and adjust the camber settings to meet your specific needs.
If the camber is set improperly, it can have several effects on the vehicle's performance and tire wear:
1. Handling Issues: Improper camber can negatively impact the vehicle's handling and stability. For example, excessive negative camber on a road car can cause the vehicle to feel unstable and have reduced straight-line stability. On the other hand, excessive positive camber can result in reduced cornering grip and traction.
2. Uneven Tire Wear: Incorrect camber settings can lead to uneven tire wear. Excessive negative camber can cause the inner edges of the tires to wear more quickly, while excessive positive camber can cause the outer edges to wear faster. Uneven tire wear can reduce tire lifespan and lead to the need for premature tire replacement.
3. Reduced Braking Performance: Improper camber can also affect braking performance. Excessive negative camber can reduce the contact patch of the tires during braking, resulting in decreased braking efficiency and longer stopping distances.
4. Increased Fuel Consumption: Improper camber settings can cause increased rolling resistance, which can lead to higher fuel consumption. This is because the tires are not properly aligned with the direction of travel, causing additional resistance and requiring more energy from the engine to maintain speed.
To ensure optimal performance, handling, and tire wear, it is important to have the camber properly set within the manufacturer's recommended specifications. Regular wheel alignments by a professional technician will help ensure that the camber is correctly adjusted for your vehicle. If you suspect any issues with your camber or tire wear, it is advisable to have it inspected and corrected by a qualified mechanic or alignment specialist.